Le 23 mai 2010, la grande-duchesse Léonidas Georgievna décède à l'hôpital La Paz de Madrid. La grande-duchesse avait 95 ans. Elle était la dernière survivante de la maison impériale des Romanov à être née dans l'Empire russe avant sa chute en 1917.
Le site Internet de la Maison impériale russe a offert un compte rendu détaillé des derniers jours de la vie extraordinaire de la grande-duchesse Léonida Georgievna :
Le 21 mai 2010, la santé de la grande-duchesse commença à se détériorer. Des médecins furent appelés et réussirent à stopper la crise cardiaque. Le lendemain, Son Altesse Impériale se sentit un peu mieux. Mais le soir, les douleurs et la respiration difficile étaient revenues.
Le 10/23 mai, jour de la fête de la Sainte Trinité, la grande-duchesse Maria Wladimirovna informa le père Andréi Kordochkine, recteur de l'église de la Nativité du Christ, paroisse du Patriarcat de Moscou, de la maladie de sa très auguste mère. Le père Andréi se rendit immédiatement à l'appartement de la famille impériale et donna à la grande-duchesse les Très Saints Mystères du Christ et lut le Canon du Départ de l'âme. Le soir, Son Altesse Impériale fut emmenée à l'hôpital « La Paz ». À ses côtés se trouvait tout le temps la grande-duchesse Maria Wladimirovna. À 23h55, heure locale, la grande-duchesse douairière Léonida Georgievna quitta cette vie dans le Seigneur.
La nouvelle du décès du membre le plus ancien de la Maison impériale russe a suscité la tristesse et les condoléances de personnes du monde entier. Les premiers messages de condoléances ont été reçus de Sa Sainteté le patriarche Cyrille de Moscou et de toute la Russie :
C’est avec une immense tristesse que j’ai appris le décès de Son Altesse Impériale, la Grande-Duchesse Léonida Georgievna. Elle a vécu une vie pleine, longue et complexe. Elle a été confrontée à de nombreuses souffrances au cours de sa vie et le temps a fait son œuvre, mais malgré tout, elle a conservé un amour passionné pour la Russie et pour les traditions de la Sainte Orthodoxie. Nous lui sommes reconnaissants pour son engagement dans la vie de l’Église, tant dans son pays qu’à l’étranger, et pour ses contributions importantes au rétablissement de l’unité de l’Église. La Grande-Duchesse Léonida Georgievna a continué à s’intéresser activement aux affaires de la Russie, et a sincèrement sympathisé avec nos chagrins et s’est réjouie de nos succès.
I will always remember the times I met her, especially the first meeting, which took place in 1992 during the historic visit of the grand-ducal couple to St. Petersburg. I well remember also my last meeting with her, in Smolensk. Please accept my heartfelt condolences on this loss that has befallen you and your family.
May the Lord grant rest to his servant in the abodes of the righteous, and grant us all His all-mighty help in the service of the fatherland and its people. With respect,
In the days after the death of the dowager grand duchess, condolences were received also from the Chair of the Office of External Church Relations, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk; the First Hierarch of the Russia Orthodox Church Abroad, Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York; Metropolitan Kornilii of Talliinn and All Estonia; Archbishop Vikentii of Ekaterinburg and Verkhoturia; Archbishop Aleksei of Kostroma and Galitsa, Archbishop Kirill of San Francisco and Western America; Archbishop Ionafan of Tulchyn and Bratslav; Archbishop Innokentii of Korsun; Metropolitan Polikarp of Spain and Portugal and Exarch of the Mediterranean; from King Juan-Carlos I of Spain and Queen Sofia; Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and North Ireland; King Albert II of the Belgians and Queen Paola; King Carl XVI Gustav of Sweden and Queen Silvia; Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands; Tsar Simeon II of Bulgaria and Tsaritsa Margarita; King Constantine II of Greece and Queen Anna-Maria; King Leka of Albania; the Head of the Yugoslavian Royal House Crown Prince Alexander Karageorgievich and Princess Catherine; the Head of the Austrian Imperial House, Archduke Otto; the Head of the German Imperial and Prussian Royal House, Prince Georg-Freidrich; the Head of the Bavarian Royal House, Duke Franz; the Head of the Portuguese Royal House, Dom Duarte, Duke of Braganza; the Head of the Georgian Royal House, Tsarevich David Georgievich; the Head of the Italian Royal House, Prince Victor-Emmanuel of Savoy; from the vice-chair of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, L. K. Sliska; the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, V. D. Zor’kin; the Chair of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, V. M Lebedev; the Chairman of the Central Elections Commission, V. E. Churov; the governor of Tula District, V. D. Dudkin; the governor of Kemerovo District, A. I. Tuleev; the general director of the judicial department of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, A. V. Gusev; the vice-chair of the State Duma Committee for Transport, S. A. Gavrilov; from the President of the Transdnistria Moldovan Republic, I. N. Smirnov; the Minister of Culture of France, F. Mitterrand; from the great-great-grandson of Emperor Alexander III, P. E. Kulikovskii and his wife; from government and civic figures; representatives of the clergy; academic and cultural groups; from members of the Russian and European nobility; and from many countrymen, who have expressed their sincere feelings of support for the Imperial family at this difficult time of sorrow and loss.
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Princess Leonida Georgievna Bagration-Mukhransky |
Princess Leonida Georgievna Bagration-Mukhransky was born on 6 October 1914 at Tbilisi, Georgia. She descended from the oldest Christian royal family in the world: the Bagrationi of Georgia. Leonida’s parents were Prince George Alexandrovich (1884-1957) and Princess Elena Sigismundovna (1886–1979; née Złotnicka-Nowina).
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Sumner Moore Kirby |
After the Russian Revolution, the family eventually made its way to France. It was there that Leonida met her first husband, American Woolsworth heir Sumner Moore Kirby (1895–1945). The couple were married at Nice on 6 November 1934. Leonida and Sumner had one daughter, Hélène Louise Kirby (b.Geneva 26 January 1935); the pair’s union ended in divorce on 18 November 1937.
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Grand Duke Vladimir and Grand Duchess Leonida of Russia |
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Grand Duke Vladimir, Grand Duchess Leonida, and their daughter Grand Duchess Maria |
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